I'm doing an arc flash analysis on a circuit with a fast acting fuse (Siba URE series). I'm used to doing these analyses on circuits with breakers but it seems like my strategy needs to be a bit different with fuses. One potentially complicating factor is there are four fuses in parallel (these are installed in a power controller). Can I get some input into my methodology:
- Determine bolted fault current at destination downstream of fuse
- Determine arcing current for the same location
- Divide the arcing current by four (number of fuses in parallel)
- Use that fractional arcing current to get the maximum let-through current per fuse based on the fuse cut-off current curve and the clearing time based on the fuse TCC
- Multiply the maximum let-through current per fuse by four
- Use that resulting value as the maximum arcing current with the clearing time to calculate incident energy