Arc Flash Blast Shield

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LaPorte, IN
I work for a utility company and like many other facilities, I'm try to deal with Arc Flash Safety.
Has anyone come across any information about using some kind of blast shield (metal) to protect a worker while performing remote racking on medium voltage switch gear where a Cat 4 situation can be reduced to a Cat 0. We don't use Cat 3 clothing, only Cat 0, Cat 2 & Cat 4. We have line-ups of switch gear and are thinking of building a blast shielded work area that would hold the remote racking brain box hooked to its cable. For multiple breaker switching for an outage, the cable would be long enough to reach anywhere on the line-up. The operater would hook up the remote racking device at the switch gear in Cat 2, then enter the blast shielded work area to perform the racking.

It would need to be tested and rated for such an application and I don't think there is even a testing standard for such a room, closest I can think of in arc rated switchgear enclosures but this would be different.

I don't get why you are trying to do it this way, why not just have the operator stand outside the arc flash boundary to remotely rack or operate the breakers? Typically this would be done wirelessly and if you don't have a direct line of sight you add the camera with wireless display option.
arc flash blast shield

arc flash blast shield

Some of our generating stations were built in the late '20 and early '30 with out the area that would allow the use of our present corded remote racking devices. Of course wireless would be the way to go but since this equipment was purchase within the last 2 years, funding for newer equipment is always a problem.
You are right about research not being done as I contacted E-Hazard (Hugh Hoagland) and they verified that they don't know of any reseach that has been done on this idea. They would like to do some reseach with/for us but again funds would be hard to get.
Some silly answers but the usual ones that I'm sure many smaller utility floor people have to deal with because of the accountants
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