No, here's the 1584-2018 range reference:
View attachment 2556446
The calculation above is well within the range of applicability of the standard. What you'd find if you're doing any of these studies is that as the bolted fault current drops off, so does the incident energy level. That's why the lower limit went form 112.5 kVA in 1584-2002 to 2000 amps bolted fault current for 1584-2018. Perhaps the lower limit is 15 kVA, as chosen by a client in their Electrical Safety Program. 1584-2018 gives a reference of 2000 amps of bolted fault current, as excerpted above.
And again for emphasis I rewrite that it's easier to perform the calcs and report the information, but there is in fact a lower limit that's suggested by the standard.