Arc Flash Labels Do Not Address Open/Closed Door Breaker Ops

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Does an Arc Flash Label apply to operating a breaker with the doors closed? Can I use table Table 130.7(C)(9) (Hazard/Risk Category Classifications Table) in NFPA 70E instead of the stinking Arc Flash label?
This has been bothering me for while:slaphead:....any help would be greatly appreciated.
Tables are risk based, sounds to me like you have had an arc flash study done which is hazard based and labels put on the gear, which means you can no longer revert to the tables.

Now, we get into a grey area, the 70E states (Can't quote exactly here, going off the top of my head) that equipment that is properly maintained per ANSI/NETA/NFPA 70B when operated under routine conditions (Meaning you are not reseting a tripped breaker pr rackimg a draw out breaker) should not pose an arc flash hazard. Are your breakers tested and maintained and refirbished per the OEM's maintenence manual recomendations? Doubt it, that is rare. Racking for example is a HRC 4 in the tables with doors open or closed for a good reason, it is a common failure.

Studies by NETA/EPRI, and insurance companies say that breakers that have not been properly maintained in 2 years have a 20% failure rate. Unless your switchgear is arc rated it was never designed, or tested to contain an arc flash, that is a huge misconception and I see the aftermath of these failures weekly due to the type of work I happen to do. Seeing what I see every week there is no way I would count on an enclosure to contain an arc flash on commercial or industrial systems.
I appreciate the quick reply.

First, I would like to see where in 70E it states that I have to use an Arc Flash Label over the Hazard/Risk Category table.

Section 130.3 (B) states the following: One of the following methods shall be used for the selection of PPE:
(1) Incident Energy Analysis.
(2) Hazard/Risk Categories. The requirements of 130.7(C)(9),130.7(C)(10), and 130.7(C)(11)

As an electrician or operator, I interpret this like I have two options if the Label is on the equipment. I will go with option (2) if all I'm doing is operating a breaker open or closed with all doors and panels closed. Now if the breaker tripped or if there is reason to suspect a fault then I will go by the Arc Flash Label and suit up accordingly. We'll go with properly maintained and tested breakers and equipment for this situation.

Anyone see a problem with my rational or agree with me on this?
I appreciate the quick reply.

First, I would like to see where in 70E it states that I have to use an Arc Flash Label over the Hazard/Risk Category table.

Section 130.3 (B) states the following: One of the following methods shall be used for the selection of PPE:
(1) Incident Energy Analysis.
(2) Hazard/Risk Categories. The requirements of 130.7(C)(9),130.7(C)(10), and 130.7(C)(11)

As an electrician or operator, I interpret this like I have two options if the Label is on the equipment. I will go with option (2) if all I'm doing is operating a breaker open or closed with all doors and panels closed. Now if the breaker tripped or if there is reason to suspect a fault then I will go by the Arc Flash Label and suit up accordingly. We'll go with properly maintained and tested breakers and equipment for this situation.

Anyone see a problem with my rational or agree with me on this?
For your quote it seems that you need to use ONE. Since there are labels on the gear, you are using the IE analysis.

Remember that to use the arc flash tables, the table notes would require that you do a bunch of calculations anyway to be sure the notes to the table apply.
First, I would like to see where in 70E it states that I have to use an Arc Flash Label over the Hazard/Risk Category table.
You have this backwards.

70E says you must perform an analysis. If you do not then you may use the Hazard/Risk Category under some conditions.

The analysis determines the amount of incident energy that would probably be released during an event. It is up to your company to determine the risk that an event will occur.
Ron, nowhere does it say that I have to use the IE Analysis (Labels) just because one has been done. It just says that one of the following methods shall be used for the selection of PPE: (1) IE analysis or (2) the three tables. Again 130.3 (B). I read this as I need to choose at least one of those options for selecting PPE. Please show me where it says I have to use the IE analysis (labels) over the three tables.
I am fully aware of the table notes. Thank you for pointing that out though.

Jim, 130.3 exception # 2 says the three table shall be permitted to be used in lieu of a detailed incident energy analysis. Nowhere does it say that the only option I have is the IE analysis (Labels) when selecting the proper PPE that I?m going to use. Please tell me where it says "you may use the Hazard/Risk Category under some conditions". Everything I can find in 70E says I can use one or the other for selecting PPE.

I can?t thank you enough for your input and time on this. Thank you!!!
Jim, 130.3 exception # 2 says the three table shall be permitted to be used in lieu of a detailed incident energy analysis. Nowhere does it say that the only option I have is the IE analysis (Labels) when selecting the proper PPE that I?m going to use. Please tell me where it says "you may use the Hazard/Risk Category under some conditions". Everything I can find in 70E says I can use one or the other for selecting PPE.

I never said the "only option" was an analysis. As you note, the rule 130.3 syas "do this", but then there is an exception to that rule.

The 'task tables' cover a limited nmber of tasks, and they have a restriction on both the amount of Available Fault Current as well as the Opening Time of the protective device.
I now feel like I have the answer I was looking for:
I'm still in compliance with 70E if I chose to use the 130.7(C) tables instead of the Arc Flash Label that is on the equipment. However, that may not be true if a table restriction applies to the situation or the task is not covered on the "task tables".

Thank you.
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