I had an arc flash 120/208 200 amp 3 phase in a meter can it was a feeder tap off a 800 amp disconnect 500 kva pad mount 4-5 percent impedance. service conductors parallel 500 mcm cooper 100 f tin length 10 ft feeder tap to meter can. transformer high side 12470 40 amp fuse no clf just outside substation fence available fault current high side was 5000 amp l-n. The fault occurred when I pulled meter burnt a hole in my keeper and my rubber glove nothing tripped it took a substation crew to trip breaker( inst trip blocked) to clear fault 10 min later. Caught building on fire now I have to meet with safety. My safety manual states 8 cal is all need if it is higher I will be told. Can this arc flash be calculated and isn't over 8 Cal?