ARCI Protection 2014 NEC

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tom baker

First Chief Moderator & NEC Expert
Staff member
Bremerton, Washington
Master Electrician
There are 6 methods allowed by the 2014 NEC for protection. The supplemental Arc Protection breaker is not available, this is 210.12 (A)(3)
Is the Listed Breaker and AFCI receptacle tested pair available per 210.12(A)(4) from any mfg?
Arc fault receptacles are available from Leviton for almost a year now and P&S has one coming out in April - I believe
Here is the requirement in 210.12(4)(d)
The combination of the branch-circuit overcurrent device and outlet branch-circuit AFCI shall be identified as meeting the requirements for a system
combination?type AFCI and shall be listed as such.

An AFCI receptacle can be used by itself with RMC, IMC etc from the panel.
My question is who has identified the BC OC device and OBC AFCI and is listed as such?
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