Are Bushings required on 1 1/4" or Larger EMT

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For what it's worth we were taught 25 years ago in apprentice school that the requirement was for 1 1/4" raceways and larger. I don' think that requirement ever appeared in the NEC.
You had indicated the most likely size in 1.25" would be 4 or larger, I disagree, I use 1.25" for 10 AWG often or a butt load of 14s for fire alarm etc.
And you would be required to put a bushing on that???? :confused:

Don't make me go all 'English teacher' on you.... [Snake-neck] :cool:
my previous post said:
Based on conductor size... (1 1/4" most likely has #4 or larger) And material PVC vs metallic.
'Most likely' doesn't mean always.... ;)
And you would be required to put a bushing on that???? :confused:

Don't make me go all 'English teacher' on you.... [Snake-neck] :cool:
'Most likely' doesn't mean always.... ;)

Thanks for the Frisco to English translation. I thought the same as Bob, until you used colors to point out your piss-poor grammar:D
Yeah but you might want to wait to put the plastic bushing on after the jet line comes out. It can slice right through it, if your not careful.
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