Are these lights code compliant?

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Senior Member
Here is a link to some lighting fixtures:

IMO, they do not comply with this NEC art from the 2008 edition,but have been wrong before.

400.8 Uses Not Permitted. Unless specifically permitted
in 400.7, flexible cords and cables shall not be used for the
(1) As a substitute for the fixed wiring of a structure
(2) Where run through holes in walls, structural ceilings,
suspended ceilings, dropped ceilings, or floors
(3) Where run through doorways, windows, or similar
(4) Where attached to building surfaces
Exception to (4): Flexible cord and cable shall be permitted
to be attached to building surfaces in accordance with the
provisions of 368.56(B)
(5) Where concealed by walls, floors, or ceilings or located
above suspended or dropped ceilings
(6) Where installed in raceways, except as otherwise permitted
in this Code
(7) Where subject to physical damage

I did not notice anything about a UL or other NRTL listing but have been known to be blind in one eye & not see out of the other one .
I did not notice anything about a UL or other NRTL listing but have been known to be blind in one eye & not see out of the other one .
Me neither.... But if they are - it's their problem. If not it might be yours.... That said - if an electrician worth their weight in salt can't hard wire the average T-8 fixture... Then there's a problem... This particular product appears to be aimed at the Joe Homeowner incapable of doing the same for himself - but offering a cleaner look of plug n play... (and a silly wire-way to cover the cords...)
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