Are we in a recession?

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Senior Member
Southern NH
Just wondering what the folks think out there about this topic. Have things slowed down considerably for any of you? Just want to see if only certain areas are affected, or it across the whole US - or even if folks thinks it's happening.

Dennis Alwon

Staff member
Chapel Hill, NC
Retired Electrical Contractor
bjp_ne_elec said:
Just wondering what the folks think out there about this topic. Have things slowed down considerably for any of you? Just want to see if only certain areas are affected, or it across the whole US - or even if folks thinks it's happening.

It would be hard to think that things haven't slowed down. Fortunately I am in the middle of 2 big house but I see in big drop in the number of service calls and small jobs. I also don't pick and chose as much as I use to.
Lets see what happens this summer...with gas prices determining the cost of so many products. I can already see the large cost rise in groceries. I heard the other day that gas purchases are down approximately 7% in the last 2 months. I also heard that summer places for rent not far from me, which are usually booked by this time of year; are only 80% booked, that surprised me. Like I mentioned, lets see the summer activity.


bjp_ne_elec said:
Just wondering what the folks think out there about this topic. Have things slowed down considerably for any of you? Just want to see if only certain areas are affected, or it across the whole US - or even if folks thinks it's happening.
No recession here. My work has actually increased. But I mostly do Service.


Senior Member
I avoid the financial language of the economy because by definition according to the financial experts there are no recession or inflation issues. I have a pretty simple take on it. Fuel is more expensive. Businesses that use fuel have the choice of passing the expense on by raising their prices, or eating it and lowering their profits (or increasing their losses). I'm seeing other increases in prices, bankruptcies and foreclosures. Some states are raising taxes. Maybe I'm assuming to much that it might be because of revenue losses. In general, the economy sucks & businesses are getting squeezed.

On a personal level, business has been slow but I've had some large projects that have turned it into an average year. Considering what I've seen with other businesses, I'm happy having an average year.



Senior Member
definitely a recession. we are busy but I see the signs all around. its time to circle your wagons and be ready for the busy period that should start in approx 18 - 24 months from now


Senior Member
North New Jersey
Pierre C Belarge said:
Lets see what happens this summer...with gas prices determining the cost of so many products. I can already see the large cost rise in groceries. I heard the other day that gas purchases are down approximately 7% in the last 2 months. I also heard that summer places for rent not far from me, which are usually booked by this time of year; are only 80% booked, that surprised me. Like I mentioned, lets see the summer activity.
Hey Piere every time I read your post's now I read it with the sound of Ray Romanos voice in my head, in your picture you kinda look like him:grin:


Senior Member
Right here.
I think the people that are probably hurting the most were people who weren't diversified enough. Resi goes down, commercial goes up. New construction goes down, remodeling goes up. Service work is reasonably immune in any case. Now's the time to invest in training you've been putting off if you're slow. Maybe even training that will open up new markets for you, like datacom or solar.


Senior Member
Southeast Texas
Here in Houston, construction is booming. No recession in sight. There are a few little ol' oil companies around here that are doing some major high-rise remodels and such. I'm hoping that the oil companies don't get socializ.... uhh... uhhh... basically, er.... taken over.

And there is talk of adding two new reactors to the nuke down south of here. I hope they hold off for a few years, right now there just aren't enough electricians. If the nuke can wait until the construction boom slows, it will be perfect to keep most of us working for many years to come.
tonyou812 said:
Hey Piere every time I read your post's now I read it with the sound of Ray Romanos voice in my head, in your picture you kinda look like him:grin:

Actually, I did star on the show as Raymond. We closed the show down, so I could pursue my electrical career. ;)

I have been told that I look like Andre Belarge...(he happens to be my identical twin). :grin:


Senior Member
Wilmington, NC
mdshunk said:
Now's the time to invest in training you've been putting off if you're slow. Maybe even training that will open up new markets for you, like datacom or solar.

That is a great idea. I bet the ones that really need it don't have the money put away (because of not working for enough money) to spend on it.


Senior Member
crossman said:
And there is talk of adding two new reactors to the nuke down south of here. I hope they hold off for a few years, right now there just aren't enough electricians. If the nuke can wait until the construction boom slows, it will be perfect to keep most of us working for many years to come.

If anyone wants to get into Nuclear now is the time. I heard they needed 70 I&C techs for the Wattsbarr project in TN, not sure how many Electricians they need.

I thought a recession is 6 months of negative growth. So far we have not seen that yet as a nation. However the area I live in I bet has seen negative economic growth for 20 years. Things are looking up I'm moving :)


Senior Member
Dennis Alwon said:
Good Luck-- where are you moving to?

Looks like the Triangle but I keep getting called out for work. I spend about 8 months out of the year on the road. I'm talking about not seeing the homestead for 3 months. Yeah I'm single :)


Senior Member
I'm Still busy as usual,but a homeowner went to Sears to buy a new lawnblower/vac. "Sold out,"Sears said."What?Said Homeowner?"Sears guy,Everybody doing their own lawn maintenace they need that equipment.getting far reaching.
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