Are we really that afraid of offending people?

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Senior Member
Boston, MA
What happened to the "Working in bad neighborhoods" thread? Not only has it been deleted here but it is locked on the ECN forum as well. Why? It is a perfectly legitimate issue. :confused:
Re: Are we really that afraid of offending people?

It is a touchy subject.When i lived in Naples FL i owned 2 tv repair shops,we often received request from a town 30 miles south that was well known for wacky weed importing.Most shops refused to go there.I gladly took there work.There was no real danger,simply go do your job,hand them a bill,hold out hand ,receive CASH,go back to shop.
Re: Are we really that afraid of offending people?

I read the posts yesterday afternoon and didn't see anything out of line. I personally thought it was a good question. I guess it's hard for me to see how this could offend people when the first thing I learned in the contracting business was how many people would openly swear on the job and do other things that would get you fired at most other positions. It just surprises me that a topic like this would "offend" others.
Re: Are we really that afraid of offending people?

Scott, I agree 100%.

This PC nonsense is out of hand. :roll:

[ April 10, 2005, 09:42 PM: Message edited by: peter d ]
Re: Are we really that afraid of offending people?

I guess people in the poor neighborhoods don't need electricians, so we shouldn't really talk about it.


Your right, since we all live and work in up scale neighborhoods there is no need to discuss this.
Re: Are we really that afraid of offending people?

By Jim: When i lived in Naples FL i owned 2 tv repair shops,we often received request from a town 30 miles south that was well known for wacky weed importing
Wow. I always thought Everglade City was a nice town? :D
Re: Are we really that afraid of offending people?

I don't see this as racist or slamming the poor.It is up to you where you feel safe to go.I rewired an old 2 story home just north of Kennedy blvd in Tampa,it was only a few blocks from some very fine upscale million plus homes.The owners son lived in one of the apartments and told me his wife would not go outside at night.My orders were to keep the van locked.I was not scared at all to be there in daytime.Had i felt i was in danger i would have refused the job.Just because they live in the wrong end of town is no reason to think of all of them as bad people.
Re: Are we really that afraid of offending people?

Sunday midnight (summer time) in NYC - Harlem 125 Street near the river. The substation was surrounded with addicts, homeless etc. Somebody has cut live copper bus bars. After restoring the power I got reakky scared. Thursday night I was called again. I requested some protection from the Bridge Authority. At the substation I met two police officers and a cuffed man (the perpetrator cutting the copper). I gave him my business card and I was ready to offer him a job(he was cutting the neutral first). Never seen him again.
Re: Are we really that afraid of offending people?


I don't know all the answers, but the thread you're referring to on ECN was locked because it was getting out of hand.

Shortly after that the title and starting post on the thread here was deleted by the member himself. After that I don't know what happened to it, but it wasn't what you guys are assuming here.

Re: Are we really that afraid of offending people?

I personally dont know why somebody would post a thread such as this. Its a common sense issue. If you dont feel safe in a neighborhood, dont go into it, what possible advice could I give somebody beyond just that? Should I encoourage them to carry weapons? If somebody needs to ask advice on how to work in a bad neighborhood, they probably need more common sense. Personally, Ive worked every bad neighborhood in Chicago, even right next to the worst public housiing in the nation, without incident.
Re: Are we really that afraid of offending people?

Evening blackrd,
If no one has said it yet,welcome to MHE form..
Re: Are we really that afraid of offending people?

Now I know what you guys are talking about. I came across a thread that was titled "Deleted Thread" or something similar. The first two posts had been gutted and the other posts made no sense at all. I took it upon myself to delete the thread because I assumed it didn't matter. Since I had been away from the forum for a couple of days, I had no connection with it at all.

I apologize for the deletion, it was my fault for not checking. There was no conspiracy nor was there any interaction between the moderators. I just dumped it. Sorry. :( :eek:
Re: Are we really that afraid of offending people?


Thanks for the missing pieces. I had a feeling someone may have disposed of it, because as you said, it didn't make sense anymore.

Re: Are we really that afraid of offending people?


[ April 11, 2005, 11:25 PM: Message edited by: dillon3c ]
Re: Are we really that afraid of offending people?

We do a lot of night work, and have had our vans broken into in good and bad neighborhoods. Though we have one customer were we refused service if they could not arrange inside parking.

Never had any physical incidents, though like everything in life there are stories out there.
Re: Are we really that afraid of offending people?

I personally dont know why somebody would post a thread such as this.
Why ask any question at all then. This was certainly as legitimate a question as any and one that we have to deal with all the time.

Thanks Bill and Charlie for clearing things up.
Re: Are we really that afraid of offending people?

I just saw it as kind of an uneccesary question. The poster asked for opinions on his topic, this is my opinion. Should we not give opinions to questions we disagree with?
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