ARE you kidding ME??????

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Well I'm ripping out my hair!!!!!!!!! A city inspector failed one of my jobs because he said I need to have my guys label all the neutrals with numbers of the circuits that they are used for !!!!!!

NEVER IN MY LIFE HAVE I HAD TO DO THIS anyone else ever hear of this ???

this would take a lot of time that I just don't have

Forgot to ask my guy is he had a light meter in his back pocket. :D

I'm ready to shoot myself in the FACE !!!! Hehe


Senior Member
Re: ARE you kidding ME??????

I forget which code section says you have to number the neutrals. :D


Senior Member
Re: ARE you kidding ME??????

I can't help but think there's more to the story.

But either way, are you gonna do it?

charlie b

Staff member
Lockport, IL
Retired Electrical Engineer
Re: ARE you kidding ME??????

Sometimes you need to fight back. This is one of those times. You start by demanding (OK, you could just ask nicely) that the Inspector provide a code reference. Then when he can't, you take it to his boss.


Senior Member
Re: ARE you kidding ME??????

JW, it was early. And I've seen you find a way to take an impossible position more than once. :D
Re: ARE you kidding ME??????

Could be one of those City Code requirements.

Kinda like how does a inspector miss a 9 story building not have a ground? Then someone shorts out a exit sign and the whole building lost power?


Senior Member
Re: ARE you kidding ME??????

Originally posted by petersonra:
I think it is in the section where it says the inspector can make up rules as he sees fit.
It might be... if this inspector happens to be in Schaumburg IL. Not sure if it's still in effect, but they used to have a rule in their code addendums that said something to the effect of 'all items the inspector deems insufficient must be remedied.' It was basically an inspector is never wrong clause.


Senior Member
Re: ARE you kidding ME??????

I've seen it suggested recently that that's what 90.4 means.

charlie b

Staff member
Lockport, IL
Retired Electrical Engineer
Re: ARE you kidding ME??????

Better yet, hand HIM the $5, and tell him to go and buy the book of wire numbers. :p
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