ark-fault protection

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Senior Member
According to my interruption, NEC210.12 would require ark-fault protection on all 120 added volt circuits in a dorm setting if the dorm has a kitchen somewhere in the building. However in the dorm rooms there is emergence lighting and exit lights. There is no exception for emergence lighting and exit lights that I can see. Would these lights need to be ark-fault protected?
According to my interruption, NEC210.12 would require ark-fault protection on all 120 added volt circuits in a dorm setting if the dorm has a kitchen somewhere in the building. However in the dorm rooms there is emergence lighting and exit lights. There is no exception for emergence lighting and exit lights that I can see. Would these lights need to be ark-fault protected?

I don't feel that would meet this definition.

Dwelling Unit. A single unit, providing complete and independent living facilities for one or more persons, including permanent provisions for living, sleeping, cooking, and sanitation.
Whether or not their is a kitchen in the building is not the issue. Otherswise, a pre-school may qualify as a dwelling. Only if the occupancy meets the Definition of a Dwelling Unit.

Art. 100.
Dwelling Unit. A single unit, providing complete and independent living facilities for one or more persons, including permanent provisions for living, sleeping, cooking, and sanitation.

Once you meet that criteria, then AFCIs would be required on yout E-lighting.
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