Senior Member
Well, I'm sure this isn't the first, but it won't be the last either. There's this other electrician that insist that its ok to use the 90degree ampacity column for the THHN THWN-2 when installing the wires. He's been told that you have to go with the 75 degree column because of the terminals on the breakers, devices etc...
Unless he has all equipment rated at the 90 degree Celsius (in which I have NEVER seen any). He's also been told that the 90 degree Celsius is only good for derating because you start at the larger ampacity, but in no case can you use it above the 75 degree Celsius because of the breakers rating.
He's been doing this for a long time, and it just scares me when I see stuff like this, and people just dont want to learn the right way to do things.
Ok, I'm done venting, at least so far there hasn't been any fires/burnt buildings when people do make that mistake, Maybe there should be a national law (not just a state law) for training on electricity before letting people do this.
Unless he has all equipment rated at the 90 degree Celsius (in which I have NEVER seen any). He's also been told that the 90 degree Celsius is only good for derating because you start at the larger ampacity, but in no case can you use it above the 75 degree Celsius because of the breakers rating.
He's been doing this for a long time, and it just scares me when I see stuff like this, and people just dont want to learn the right way to do things.
Ok, I'm done venting, at least so far there hasn't been any fires/burnt buildings when people do make that mistake, Maybe there should be a national law (not just a state law) for training on electricity before letting people do this.