Article 110.21(B)

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New User
Knoxville, Tn
Is it the general consensus that Stenciling with Spray Paint meets 110.21(B) requirements. This has been done for years however it is not mentioned that it is or is not acceptable.
>WARNING!< This is an amateur's interpretation of 110.21(b)(1)!

If it is legible, and (as suggested) follows 110.21(b)(1) "using effective words, colors, & symbols..."
The informational note points to an ANSI standard for those effective words, colors, & symbols.
You mentioned stencils-- you'd probably need at least 2-- one for red or yellow, another for black lettering. You might need to spray the area for the warning with white before you start on the warning labels. Black lettering on a dark grey cabinet is not very legible!

Might be easier to check out one of the commercial office supply catalogs-- they might have the right sign available in a peel-and-stick version.
Check with with
These labels meet safety requirements per the ANSI standard. DANGER HIGH VOLTAGE means nothing in the safety and legal world.
Personally, I would not be painting these kind of warnings on. just takes to long when you can buy them for a few pennies and just stick them on.
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