Article 225.30

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Dennis Alwon

Staff member
Chapel Hill, NC
Retired Electrical Contractor
In the 2014 proposal I made this addition to 225.30. I based it on the sewer pumps etc as being a structure. Here is evidence that the CMP do not look at posts in the ground etc as a structure.

Submitter: Dennis Alwon, Alwon Electric Inc.
Recommendation: Add text to read as follows:
225.30(A) (7) Pumps where both an alarm and pump circuit are needed such as septic pumps and sewer pumps.

Substantiation: The definition of structure is that which is built or constructed. A post in the ground would meet this definition. Since a post is often used to install the alarm box for septic pumps and sewer lift pumps it is not possible to wire them without violating one of two codes. As the code is now we can either run two individual branch circuits and violate 225.30 or we use a multiwire circuit (MWBC) and violate 210.4(B) or 240.15(B)(1). Running a MWBC is not always an option as is the case where a pump is 240V and the alarm is 120V. A MWBC would turn the alarm circuit off if there were a fault in the pump circuit as handle ties would be required. This would defeat the purpose of the MWBC. Thus allowing two circuits to this structure would rectify this problem.

Panel Meeting Action: Reject
Panel Statement: It is not intended that specialized systems as described by the submitter be covered by 225.30(A).
Number Eligible to Vote: 11
Ballot Results: Affirmative: 11
In the 2014 proposal I made this addition to 225.30. I based it on the sewer pumps etc as being a structure. Here is evidence that the CMP do not look at posts in the ground etc as a structure.

The exceptions for disconnecting means for sign and light poles shows the NEC does consider a post in the ground a structure.

To me it is another case of the CMP not really considering what they are saying.
Their comment again is bizarre. How are we supposed to know what they consider or don't consider a structure. That's not the intent they say--:happyno:
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