Article 314 and Wireways

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Good luck....
Based on previous threads, I'm afraid you will get seems unavoidable from the wording:
(B) Metallic Wireways Used as Pull Boxes. Where insulated conductors 4 AWG or larger are pulled through a wireway, the distance between raceway and cable entries enclosing the same conductor shall not be less than that required by 314.28(A)(1) for straight pulls and 314.28(A)(2) for angle pulls.
I have seen a history of ROP and ROC comments which appear to only confuse the "intent".
As worded, I don't think there is little argument that 314.28 applies to
Art 376 in terms of distance between raceway entries...
if it goes further (raceway to opposite wall) becomes a debate.

The wording vs intent issue was discussed at length here:
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Is there a specific part of 314 or 376 you are looking at. Kind of a vague question.
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