Article 408.4 (B) In Dwellings

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Senior Member
Can someone give their take on what the intent is here? I'm on the 2020 cycle and had an inspector say that a feeder panel in a detached shed needed to state where the power originated. I said that's not required because it comes from the house (single family dwelling) so 408.4 doesn't apply. He said no, the shed is not part of the dwelling. I call BS. Is this a gray area? I know the definition of dwelling unit specifically says "single unit" but common sense has to come into play. By his interpretaion a sub panel in an attached garage fed from the service in the basement of the house would need to follow 408.4 too.
In the detached shed I agree with the inspectors interpretation because the shed is not part of the dwelling unit. For an attached garage the answer is no it's not required.
I rarely disagree with infinity and on the rare occasion that I do so I am usually incorrect BUT I disagree with the inspector. There are locations in the Code where it references "accessory buildings" and associates them with the dwelling {210.8(A)(2), 210.52(G)} .
That said, for the small amount of effort needed to comply with his (and infinity's) interpretation, I would label it and be done.
BUT I disagree with the inspector. There are locations in the Code where it references "accessory buildings" and associates them with the dwelling {210.8(A)(2), 210.52(G)} .
That said, for the small amount of effort needed to comply with his (and infinity's) interpretation, I would label it and be done.
When I look at the definitions in Article 100 I just can't get there. Saying an outbuilding that is detached is somehow part of the dwelling unit just doesn't fit within the definition of a dwelling unit. The labeling requirement {408.4(B)} excludes a one or two family dwelling unit so I'm not seeing how that applies to another detached structure on the same property. If the definitions of dwelling, one family or two family or the definition of dwelling unit included verbiage that would include an outbuilding I would agree that it's not required. FWIW I've never seen this enforced.

408.4(B) Source of Supply.
All switchboards, switchgear, and panelboards supplied by a feeder(s) in other than one- or two-family dwellings shall be permanently marked to indicate each device or equipment where the power originates. The label shall be permanently affixed, of sufficient durability to withstand the environment involved, and not handwritten
Dwelling, One-Family.
A building that consists solely of one dwelling unit. (CMP-1)

Dwelling, Two-Family.

A building that consists solely of two dwelling units. (CMP-1)
Dwelling Unit.
A single unit, providing complete and independent living facilities for one or more persons, including permanent provisions for living, sleeping, cooking, and sanitation. (CMP-2)
I should have know better (to disagree :)) you pints are duly noted.
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