Article 517 - Massage Parlors

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Senior Member
Need some opinions here. If you have a standard massage parlor, would this be required to comply with article 517 with respect to wiring methods and or hospital grade receptacles. The massage is not medical related, meaning it is not for physical therapy etc. etc.
I agree with Dennis, I would not consider it a 'health-care facility'. And I tend to be pretty conservative when trying to determine if a practice would need to comply, IMO.
I agree with others so far.

Lets start with definitions from 517.2

Health Care Facilities. Buildings or portions of buildings in which medical, dental, psychiatric, nursing, obstetrical, or surgical care are provided. Health care facilities include, but are not limited to, hospitals, nursing homes, limited care facilities, clinics, medical and dental offices, and ambulatory care centers, whether permanent or movable.

Those words in the middle "but are not limited to" possibly could give this some validation for being a health care facility, but you also need to get a little more in detail of what health care benefits there are from the service being provided, and maybe even get into health care codes and other regulations before going any further with calling this kind of service health care.
I agree with Dennis, I would not consider it a 'health-care facility'. And I tend to be pretty conservative when trying to determine if a practice would need to comply, IMO.
Not to bad mouth legitimate therapeutic massage, but down here a fair percentage of the advertised massage parlors are more properly classified as adult entertainment than as health care.
What Articles apply to that? :)
If it came across my (former) desk I would not require it, but that doesn't mean the next AHJ is going to see it that way. Suggest you make the call to the building dept. It wouldn't be good for anyone if you get to final inspection and have to debate it then.

They might ask if the person giving the massage is wearning scrubs or a thong! :)

It is called "massage therapy" and they do in most states need a license from the health dept but which is different than medical licensing so maybe that's your first line of defense.
Not to bad mouth legitimate therapeutic massage, but down here a fair percentage of the advertised massage parlors are more properly classified as adult entertainment than as health care.
What Articles apply to that? :)

If it gets your heart rate up it may qualify as cardiopulmonary therapy:lol:
Hands only massage, Art 517 does not apply.

Physical Therapy which can include massage would be 517. So would a chiropractor office. In both you can come in contact with electromedical devices such as handheld massage appliance or electro stimulation.

Of course this is one persons opinion based on definition of Health Care Facility and Patient Care Area.

I hope your issue is resolved with a happy ending.
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