Article 590

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Con Rep
I need a little help citing the proper article, and paragraph for temporary power over 90 days. I have construction trailer being fed 120/208-volt 100 amp in a 1 1/4" PVC run along a fence line above ground being fed from an existing building approx. 75'. It has been this way for well over a year and half. Regardless of the power source, if it's a transformer, or an existing building can PVC be left above ground, or does it need to be in the ground? Please let me know if RGS above ground is acceptable means. Thanks
the 90 days is for holiday lights only.

Take a look at this:

It seems like you are in "Construction" the time duration for the temporary use is for the time frame that construction activities are on-going. Read through the rest of that artical (590) if there is no modification found there then you default back to what is normally required of the material found in Chapter 3.
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