Article 680 and Portable Spa

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New member
I am installing a Hot Spring Portable Spa (230v/50amp) and have a question about the NEC 680 Code. The Spa is factory finished. I am solid on the wiring from the Shutoff to the Spa. However on the wiring from the Panel to the Shutoff I have different opions on whether the sheathed conduit will be in code if run all inside to the Shutoff or if all has to be metallic conduit per 680.23. The difference is whether the wiring can be run inside without the metal sheathing or outside in the sheathing-becuase of bends, space, etc.
The Spa has a light which is factory installed and that is the contention between the two opinions. Your experience and help please!


Senior Member
Re: Article 680 and Portable Spa

If this is a "packaged spa or hot tub equipment assembly", then forget about the requirements in 680.23. If the installation is going outdoors, follow 680.42, if going from inside to outdoors, follow 680.42(C), and if the installation is completely indoors, follow 680.21.


Senior Member
Re: Article 680 and Portable Spa

IMO a light installed in a factory built, package spa is not what is referred to in Art. 680. These lights are typically low voltage, fed from the control panel in the spa. None of the parameters described fit these types of units IMO.
I have this argument with another web guru who contends that if a spa has a light it must be fed with conduit from the main panel. I DO NOT agree.

I would not really call one of these spas portable. Even though it is not screwed down I would still consider it permanent.
I do these all the time. I normally feed a disconnect with NM fed from the back. The out to the spa with PVC into a few feet of sealtite.
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