Article 90.2(B)

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New User
mount vernon IL
Project Manager
hello all,

so i am project manager for a company that does a lot of work with OEM facilities, we mainly build E-houses for the control and protection side of the grid.

my question is. The contractor that we are working with wants us to run #12 and #10 SIS wire with 125VDC in wire basket from relay panel to relay panel but according to article 392.10(B)(1)(a) the smallest single conductor that is to be run is a 1/0awg cable ratted for cable tray. that being said the contractor is stating that because they are putting these buildings on the utility grid they do not have to abide by the NEC is there any better clarification on this article that i can argue with because i dont think its legal to run single #12 and #10 SIS wire in a cable tray or wire basket
In my view this would not be governed by the NEC. Maybe NESC though. Maybe more important, are there any job specifications?
Look at 90.2.B.5.b
If your facility fits that, then as texie says, check the NESC.

As for the job specs (again following texie post), most of my customers are using multi-conductor #12, #10, sometimes #16, #14, MC-HL in cable tray. Yes, definitely review the job specs

I'm no help with the NESC, enjoy your bedtime reading. Who knows it might say anything under 1/0, is hotel load/control, use the NEC (or not)
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