article334.10 (3) quest.

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Senior Member
a new inspector in our area is telling contractors that the nm cables which are located in the basement of a commerical bldg. and are run through holes whichare bored in the joists, now have be covered up with a thermal barrier with at least a 15 minute finish rating,as stated in par (3)of 334.10 .the structure is all wood framing including the joists and beams .i think this is a wrong interpation sience this has been like this for years allthough it may apply if it were a new bldg ,? site any code atricles which may apply
IMO, if the nm was installed and approved it should be permitted to remain. I can't speak for the laws in your area but here we do not enforce the code retroactively.

IMO, if the nm was installed and approved it should be permitted to remain. I can't speak for the laws in your area but here we do not enforce the code retroactively.


If the work being done is in the basement, wouldn't the wiring have to brought up to current code?
If the work being done is in the basement, wouldn't the wiring have to brought up to current code?

I would say that only the newly installed wiring would have to meet current code. Unless I misunderstood the OP stated that the nm cable had been there for "years".

It would depend whether the wire was installed without a permit. If that is the case and the code requires a barrier then the inspector may be able to enforce it. Most inspectors would not require that unless it was recently done.
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