ASHRAE 90.1 2013 - 50% Receptacles shutdown

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New User
New York, NY USA
If I have two (2) receptacles in the Office -- one quad and one duplex, and duplex outlet will be switched via local sensor.
Is this will be considered a 50% by shutting down a duplex and leaving a quad on.
Not sure how your supposed to calculate the 50% number but a quad and a duplex is technically 6 receptacles so you would need to shut down 3 to get to 50%.
A quad and duplex sounds pretty light for an office. I would expect at least a duplex on each wall (exept maybe the wall with the door) with an additional quad at the computer location. When I have had to meet this requirement, I would not switch the quad (or quads) and switch everything else in the room. If all you have is a quad and a duplex, you would have to switch 4 receptacles and leave 2 unswitched unless you wanted to split a receptacle.
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