Assisted Living/Nursing Home Conduit

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Looking at estimating a job for an assisted living unit of a nursing home. The question is can the conduit between the main panel and automatic transfer switch, located on the outside wall, be plastic or does it have to be metal. Unless I am misinterpreting the code, I think that it can be SCH 80 PVC. I know many run it in EMT, but plastic is easier and less expensive. I've only read part of the section of the code pertaining to Assisted Living/Nursing Homes and would appreciate some direction if I am missing something. Thanks.
Not an area I am familiar with, but I believe there is no specific restriction on wiring method for this type of facility. You would only have to use SCH80 if subject to physical damage.
Not an area with restrictions on use of PVC.

Use of PVC would be restricted if run through environmental air handling areas, or if there are areas that qualify as "place of assembly". Doesn't sound like you are running anywhere except out back of a panel and through an exterior wall though.

If there were health care areas the requirement for metal raceways is for branch circuits only and wouldn't apply to this - it is a feeder.
I'm actually running about 100+ feet between the automatic transfer switch and the main panel. The conduit will be installed in the above the ceiling. I looked it up and realized that the SCH 80 came from servance entrance cable protection. Your right that SCH 40 will work fine.

Since this is an assisted living area located as a wing of a nursing home, I was under the impression that Section II of Article 517 would not apply. If it did apply, it would be the reason why branch circuits would have to be in conduit or mc cable. If I am right, it looks as if you can wire this area with romex. Have I missed something? These rooms have essentially a bedroom, living area, shower, sink, etc.
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