Assisted living

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We are wiring an Assisted living complex we were told by our inspector that we could run romex above the corridor drop ceilings and common area as we had on a previous similar project.The building type meets the requirements of 334.10(2)the living units meet all the requirements of a dwelling unit 334.12(1)but now he is saying we can't because it is a nursing facility or apartment.Can anybody help me find a resolution to this issue.


Senior Member
New Hampshire
Re: Assisted living

It all depends...
Is it multi-family with just older tenets? Or are there doctor's / nurse stations, hair salons, travel agents offices, etc. Making it a mixed use occupancy?
Need a little more input



Re: Assisted living

This unit has two wings that are two story with a corridor down the middle and just dwelling units on each side of the corridor.A third wing that is the same as the other two has a nurse station for Altziemer but no patient care. And finally common area that connects all of these wings and it does have salon, pub, theater etc.And my job is in Montana.Thanks for responses so far.


Senior Member
Re: Assisted living

Sounds like a commercial job to me.
334.12 Uses Not Permitted
(A) Types NM, NMC, and NMS Types NM, NMC, and NMS cables shall not be permitted as follows:
(1) In any dwelling or structure not specifically permitted in 334.10(1), (2), and (3)
(2) Exposed in dropped or suspended ceilings in other than one- and two-family and multifamily dwellings
Since you are wiring a commercial building, I think (2) would apply. :)
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