ATS and under ground meter socket

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Having a problem locating an answer to this question.
Can feeder wires go from meter socket to transfer switch
Then from transfer switch back into meter socket to get into the panel.
Was hoping to not have to redo panel piping as it is currently feed from the back of the meter socket.

Thanks for any guidance on where i could locate the answer
See if 230.7 applies. If all conductors are service conductors, then the ATS would have to be service rated.

That said, the POCO probably wouldn't allow it.
Thanks for the reply
It is service rated its a GE automatic transfer switch with disconnect.
I will read the article you referenced.
Thats the one that had me hanging.

The wires are service conductors.But your proubly right about com ed

Thanks again
The ATS is the service disconnect and the wires on the load side are not service conductors...they are feeders.
See if 230.7 applies. If all conductors are service conductors, then the ATS would have to be service rated.

That said, the POCO probably wouldn't allow it.

230.7 should apply. The ATS is service rated so the wiring leaving the switch now are feeders subject to Art.225
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