ATS Location (height)

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New User
Oregon, USA
Electrical engineer, Automotive industry
Hello, I've been searching the NEC codes for mounting location requirements for a 200A ATS. All I can find is a requirement that it needs to be a minimum of 2' above grade. I can not find a maximum value. I want to locate it above my main breaker panel to facilitate the ease of moving the SER cable. My current main breaker box is at 47" above the garage floor. This would put the bottom of the ATC at 79" above the garage floor. Since the garage is on a hill, the generator and conduit boxes on the outside of the garage wall are low (about 3' from ground level) on the outside, but enter the garage much higher. Can anyone point me to the NEC code for the height requirements? Or for Oregon if State code exists that overrides the NEC code. Thank you very much.
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