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Senior Member
Right here.
tom baker said:
Went to the forum today and heard Mike Holt in a an audio clip. This must be new? I don't always have my sound on.

Yeah, I accidentally went there the other day. He talks and moves his lips too. Kinda spooky. "Hi, my name is Mike Holt... blah, blah, blah." Sorta weirds me out.


Senior Member
Im used to hearing him. I clic the video on all the newsletter video clips and then save them. Over the last few years he has provided us a wealth of free great video, no matter if I know the subject well or not. In three years my son is gonna hit 14, and I am going to add a new video subject into his curriculum called " Mike Holt code video mandatory 1/2 hour every weekday so that when you turn 16 I can exploit you for labor without having to worry so much about you making a screwup on my job" :D
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