I am currently looking at an issue related to breaker tripping in an automated parking system. The breaker has been tripping on lifts that are heavily loaded. Although only two lifts have had this issue, I anticipate more as more spots become utilized. This typically happens about halfway up, where the motor shuts off and current through the system goes to zero. It can still function by resetting the fuse, waiting, and trying again. Source power is 1 Phase 25 amps 208V and motor is 3 Phase 230-277 Delta 400-480 Wye 50/60 Hz . I am wondering if the voltage difference is the cause of breaker tripping or could there be any other issues? For example VFD's not calibrated correctly, incorrect frequency, etc. The whole system including the motor is European made. I would really appreciate any input and will try to get more information on the system.