Automatic Transfer Switch (ATS) Control Wiring

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Senior Member
I have a design for a bldg with 3 transfer switches plus (1) fire pump controller/ATS. Is it ok per code to daisy chain the control wiring together at each ATS and then homerun back to the generator or would the I have to run individual control wiring from each ATS back to the generator?
I have always run separate control wires for multiple transfer switches on the same generator. Not sure what code says, but I'd be interested to know if anyone has that info.

For the "regular" ATS's we just run one set of conductors for the start and daisy chaining them together. For the fire pump controller we run a separate set. They all get paralleled at the generator control panel so running separate control wires for each regular ATS would be a waste if the were all near each other.
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