Auxiliary Ground Electrode for Light Pole

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Baltimore, MD United States
Electrical Engineer
My co-worked and I are debating the installation requirements for the "useless" ground rod that sometimes is installed at light poles. We are both in agreement that it is not necessary and serves no useful purpose. However, he is working on a local government project that shows this ground rod in a standard detail. Our disagreement is in how this ground rod is installed.

The detail shows a PVC conduit - vertically through the pole foundation - a 4 foot deep concrete foundation with 1" PVC conduit with an 8 foot ground rod installed in the center of the pole base through the PVC conduit - approximately 4 feet of ground rod installed in contact with earth. The ground rod is connected to the branch circuit EGC.

My opinion is that it needs to be installed per NEC 250.53,G - which requires 8 feet of length in direct contact with earth. My co-worker thinks that since it's not required, it doesn't matter how it's installed.

I agree it is not required so it doesn't matter. I don't understand why they designed it with 4' in the earth-- what a waste anyway but 4'? hahaha
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