auxillary gutter support

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If I have an auxillary gutter that is 6''X 6"x 48" in dimension with
a 1" and an 1-1/2" rigid conduit coming in one end and the same conduits leaving the other end with both conduits supported by a uni-strut trapeze on both ends of the gutter around ten inches from the gutter, do I need to put any type of support on the gutter itself?


Senior Member
Staff member
Logan, Utah
Take a look at 376.30 for securing and supporting of metal wireways.

What you have is most likely a metal wireway (Article 376) and not an auxillary gutter (Article 366). They are similar is construction, the difference is that an auxillary gutter is designed to supplement the wiring space for switchboards, meter centers, distrubution centers and similar points.

Whereas a metal wireway is a sheetmetal enclosure that would be used in conjuntion with racways such as EMT.

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