back to back meter and panels

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Senior Member
Does anyone know if a 300 amp meter and 2-150 amp panels will sit back to back when the 2 panels are separated by a 2X4 stud space. I've not done this application without having to have disconnects and I have the 2 panels mounted side by side in two separete stud spaces. I want to go out the back of the panels directly into the meter without drilling new holes. Do they actually think these things through this far or am I asking too much. Thanks.


Senior Member
Re: back to back meter and panels

Chris, I have seen 2 - 200 ampere panelboards fed from a 320 ampere meter fitting and they were both fed out the back of the meter fitting. I have never seen a 300 ampere meter fitting. :D


Senior Member
Re: back to back meter and panels

We use an LB because it is hard to line up the second KO set without cutting studs or using the KO in the utility's side of the meter which is a No-No around here. If it is an overhead then its no problem.


Senior Member
Re: back to back meter and panels

Kinda sounds like a 320/400 meter and 2 200`s to me.for the most part we mount on block wall so not a problem.2 holes in meter,2 71/2 in pvc nipples with MA`S,l/n`s bushings double lugson load side single on line side done deal.
One of our POCO`S supplies the big 400 amp meters,submit a load calc.approved snd pick it up for free :D


Senior Member
Milwaukee, WI
Re: back to back meter and panels

Just be careful on your wire bending space. I believe there is a difference between QO and Westinghouse or CH panels in regards to wire bending space in the panel. I think one allows 3/0 wire, but the other only allows 2/O wire.
Granted that is for 200A, not 150, but the same applies to the meter. Meterpedestal should be no problem. A Meter Socket may not allow wire bending space out the back of the tub.


Senior Member
Re: back to back meter and panels

I just did a 400 Amp (320) to (2) back to back 200 amp MB panels. It wasn't possible to come out the back of the meter can for both panels without cutting my own 2" KO... I choose to use one LB off the side of the meter for the second panel.

Attention Floridians!!! I actually got the 400 amp service energized as Temp. Power!!! :D :D

That's the first live (permanent) panel I've ever seen on a new construction site (In Florida).


Senior Member
Re: back to back meter and panels

Chris, I forgot to mention that you might want to make sure your panel covers will fit next to each other with only (1) 2x4 between the panels. Some covers are wide!



Senior Member
Re: back to back meter and panels

By davedottcom: That's the first live (permanent) panel I've ever seen on a new construction site (In Florida).
When I moved here (Indiana) from Florida 23 years ago Indiana was sooooo far behind everything that we had in Florida. Now it seems like the table is turned, :D We have been using permanently installed service's as temp power for about 20 years now. All because the poco got tired of being stiffed by the contractors when they went to collect on the meters, They now want a very large down payment before they will connect a pole mounted temporary service. So everyone started installing the service and after a service inspect the poco Hooked it up. :D Many of these are installed on just a wall that will become part of the new structure that is just propped up with a little temporary roof over them. :D


Senior Member
Re: back to back meter and panels

Originally posted by hurk27: Many of these are installed on just a wall that will become part of the new structure that is just propped up with a little temporary roof over them. :D
And that's the way it should be...Damn It!! :D
It really is rediculous the amount of jobs here in FL that are built completely by using generators. What a pain, not to mention noise & air pollution, sometimes there are 2 or 3 on the same job! :D



Senior Member
Re: back to back meter and panels

Sorry but I have ben in central florida for almost 20 years and have never seen a temp power pole as part of the the permanent power(wall with a partial roof built over it)
Always a 60 amp t pole next to trans or a overhead 60 with enough lead coiled to reach the structure.Either a 320/400 or a 200.
One poco here actually when given a load calc will suppy for free :D a full sized 400 amp meter base.I have gotten a power on inspection at a home but that is only for customs with tons of hardwood flooring where the humidity has to be controled when installed .But have never seen temp power to a home that isn`t built yet :confused:


Senior Member
Re: back to back meter and panels

Sorry but I have seen 200 amp overhead/underground but still never as part of the structure only a temp power pole


Senior Member
Re: back to back meter and panels

About 7 or 8 years ago we did this in Naples FL..
It was only allowed on underground service.What we did was a back to back.Then using a piece of plastic (visqueen)we covered our panel.I believe they stoped that practice.It is subject to abuse and misuse.Owner builders often would move in before home was finished.Also there is a chance that the project could get delayed and take years with this indoor panel unprotected.
As to using generators one of my builders never set a T pole.His homes were finished in under 2 months.For my part of wiring them no problem.Drill all the holes in 1 hour then turn it off.The framers did all the walls and roof in one day.It saved him money and me time.


Senior Member
Re: back to back meter and panels

Originally posted by allenwayne:
Sorry but I have seen 200 amp overhead/underground but still never as part of the structure only a temp power pole
If you have the new 2005 FPL ESS Manual, check out TUG Service on page 10 of Chapter 3.

TUG= Temp Underground. The funny thing is, there is NOTHING temporary about it! The 400 A service is built, and energized, meter is in...second floor of the house isn't even built yet!

I'll snap a pic of it if you want me to! (I get the feeling you don't believe me!) :(




Senior Member
Right here.
Re: back to back meter and panels

Here is central PA, a great deal of the building happens totally with generators. The POCO's take 3-4 weeks to energize a t-pole or a new service. It's funny that on a trouble call or service change they can be out in less than an hour, but it takes a month to get something new energized. I just drill out the house totally in a short time with a generator, and then turn it off too. If I missed a hole here and there, I just use a battery drill rather than restart the generator.


Senior Member
Re: back to back meter and panels

For a POCO i would think no reasonable amount would offset the cost for them to hook up a temp.How much will it use to buid a house ?Maybe $100 and thats figuring very high.Them taking months might make many rethink if its worth the wait and cost.Would you delay your job waiting on them ?


Senior Member
Re: back to back meter and panels

Originally posted by hurk27:
By davedottcom: That's the first live (permanent) panel I've ever seen on a new construction site (In Florida).
When I moved here (Indiana) from Florida 23 years ago Indiana was sooooo far behind everything that we had in Florida. Now it seems like the table is turned, :D We have been using permanently installed service's as temp power for about 20 years now. All because the poco got tired of being stiffed by the contractors when they went to collect on the meters, They now want a very large down payment before they will connect a pole mounted temporary service. So everyone started installing the service and after a service inspect the poco Hooked it up. :D Many of these are installed on just a wall that will become part of the new structure that is just propped up with a little temporary roof over them. :D
Here in Kentucky, the PoCo, just places the cost of the meter on the homeowners first electric bill. It works and as a matter of fact, the power company can use it as leverage. No pay, No power. :D
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