Backfed Solar Breaker in Meter/Main

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Senior Member
Hey Folks,

I seem to recall, but could not find via search, a thread that touched on backfed solar breakers in a meter/main combo.
It was stated that if the solar breaker was in this case considered a "line side" connection,
what are your thoughts on this and how it relates to the 120% of bus rule?

If anyone knows of the thread, I'd be happy to re-read it...

haven't updated locale yet, I'm in New Orleans
In a solar line side connection the 120% rule doesn't apply. You are making a connection to the line side of the service ahead of the main for the existing service. You must follow the rules in 230 for services such as disconnect in the building where the tap enters, grounding electrode conductor, wiring methods and such. Its like adding another switch to the service...

Inspectors are balking at some of the more common methods used for line-side taps, so be sure to speak with the AHJ before making the tap.
It is the local inspectors here in Louisiana that seem confused about line side taps.

I understand that there will be somewhat of a learning curve, but how can we move
this industry along if the inspectors are so slow in learning their job.

Also, and I know this is a highly debated topic, but isn't it the inspectors job to learn the codes they are charged to often I see contractors just doing what the local AHJ
wants to keep things smooth, but the inspectors never actually quote the code article!!!

Very frustrating.
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