I had to go to this job today that apparently another electrician screwed up. Here is the question. There are 2 120V circuits feeding a sign in a parking lot(top and Bottom), they share a neutral. one circuit keeps tripping. The 2 circuits are run through a contactor that is controlled by a photocell. When one circuit is energized and the other is off I get power on both wires. The wires are overhead wires at a Garden center so they are not color coded. I believe the wires are backfed and when both breakers are on one of the two trip. I read 120 to ground on both but not 208V across each. This leads me to believe they are on the same phase right? SO my question is how does this happen. If he crossed the neutral and a hot leg am I correct in my thinking that current is running through the sign and back out on the neutral tied to a hot leg and then back to the panel? So in essence the shared neutral of the sign and one hot leg are both being fed hot? Am I making sense> Any help would be great. I have never encountered this before as I am used to new construction.