bad china drywall

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I was contacted by a contractor that was bidding on the replacement of the toxic drywall and wanted a price from me to replace all devises and light fixtures this drywall tarnishes the copper wire but to what extent I do not know. Is the copper ok in the sheath or how bad is this stuff, does anyone know what im dealing with here?


Senior Member
I was contacted by a contractor that was bidding on the replacement of the toxic drywall and wanted a price from me to replace all devises and light fixtures this drywall tarnishes the copper wire but to what extent I do not know. Is the copper ok in the sheath or how bad is this stuff, does anyone know what im dealing with here?

Very bad the drywall emits several bad sulfur compounds which eat away at copper. Replace it all and enjoy an easy payday.

Jim W in Tampa

Senior Member
Tampa Florida
WOW , i heard the drywall was bad but had no idea it was damage to the wires. Some serious cost involved. Who is footing the bill ? Be sure your bid lets you keep salvage.
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