Balancing Ceiling Fans/Restoring Fans

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Senior Member
Durham, NC
Facility Maintenance Tech. Licensed Electrician
Did a sun room job this week. GC had me take down a fan a previous electrician (?) put up. No fiber washers on blade screws. Set screws not tightened on down rod. Remote receiver had not been installed. Fan was not on a fan box & had no independent support. Small wonder customer was complaining about fan being loud, wobbling & remote not working. GC got new remote kit, I installed & fixed other stuff. Still had a lot of wobble. I spend nearly an hour with a balance kit. Got it better but not good the way I would like. I've usually not had to do much balancing if short down rod, but had OK luck when I had to do it. I was really disappointed with this one.

Anyone else hate balancing fans? It can be tedious & frustrating. Wonder if anyone makes a strobe tool like mechanics use to balance car wheels?

I also took a fan down that I may keep & try to restore. Never wanted to before, but this has a classy top light with sculptured glass shade. Has its own pull chain & bottom lights have their PC. Don't think I've ever seen a fan before with 3 chains like that. Seen dual lights with dual PC switch.

Does anyone know a good source of parts for restoring fans?
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