Balconies and porches within 4" ,,,


Senior Member
NEC 2020

what does it mean "balcony that are within 4" horizontally from the dwelling"
All porches, balconies etc. should have one receptacle so long as they are attached or close enough (within 4") of the dwelling unit.

I don't know how one might build a balcony that isn't attached to the building but I imagine there was, at some point, someone who built a porch that was detached? or something like on a beach house where you might have a break before the porch or levels to them?

I am not sure why the 4" is there.
NEC 2020

what does it mean "balcony that are within 4" horizontally from the dwelling"
That code change was made to close a loop hole for decks that are accessible from ground level but not physically attached to the house. It is a common installation in my area for a lower level deck to be completely stand alone from the structure of the main building. Before the code change this type of deck was not covered by the rule in 210.52(D)(3), but such a deck is used in exactly the same way as one that is attached to the house, and a receptacle is required.
The panel statement for FR-7598 for the 2020 code said:
This change will ensure this section is also applied to decks that are installed in a freestanding manner where connection to the actual dwelling is not made at any point, generally leaving an air gap to promote drainage and prevent wood decay at the building band board and siding. The distance of 4 inches was selected to coincide with building codes.
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