ballpark figure.

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Senior Member
I was wondering if anyone could give me an idea of what the following would cost if you did the work. Please PM me if you don't feel like publicly displaying your price. We had to make two trips to complete the work and the jobsite was an hour+ drive one direction. It was in addition to a kitchen and bath remodel that we were already working on. It was all remodel work so no open walls. Everything had to be fished in.

  • 8 standard Halo 6" remodel cans. Four in one bedroom, the other four in seperate bedroom. Supply MC cable,cans, standard baffles, and 65w bulbs
    Fish into existing switch boxes and install 2 Lutron Maestro dimmers. Make previously switched outlets constant hot.
    Replace two GFCI recepts w/trim plates.
    Replace 10 single pole switches w/ Decora type and trim plates.
    Replace 2 three ways w/ Decora type and trim plates.
    Replace 22 duplex receptacles w/ Decora type and trim plates.
    Replace 1 single port phone jack.
    Replace 2 double port phone jacks.
    Install 2 Juno 4" low voltage remodel cans.
    Come off existing receptacle locations and install 2 new switch locations.
    Install 2 Lutron Maestro low voltage dimmers.

Please feel free to PM me with what you think would be the round about price.
I understand nobody can give an accurate price sight unseen, but I just wanted to see if you guys were in the same ballpark. The GC was like "Wow!" when I handed him the extras sheet. Thanks.:smile:
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I would charge in the ballpark of $2000.00 We do alot of this type work and are very good at it so there would be 3 of us there and have it completed in about 6-7 hours. This is without looking at the job mind you so if there are any really tricky situations there would be some increase. Put 6 cans in a kitchen today took down an existing fixture and used that switch leg. Ran a new thermostat wire to relocate the thermostat. took us 2.5 hours .5 hours drive time charged $700.00 I prefer the commercial electric brand remod cans over the Halo (halo makes them) I use the H2 can
I got $2,810. tmbrk did not say how old the house is so I have to figure for shallow 1900's already packed.

I figured 2 guys couldn't finish in a day.(but I don't do resi)
Townhouse from early eighties. We did have alot of trouble with the one bedroom. Even though we had attic access there is a different roof line above it and we had a heck of a time fishing from one hole to the next. The 4" LVs and Maestro dimmers aren't cheap and I had to drive two hours round trip to get them because they wanted the job done right away so the painters could start. We had a heck of a time fishing in for the 4" cans (no attic access on those). We were also put on hold for two hours while the GC confirmed with the dictator, I mean decorator as to the can locations. Then of course everything was in the way and the cans had to be moved anyway.
The entire job took two guys about 14 hours not counting going to get the materials.
See I 'm thinking that this is rooms with an attic so the cans are cake, so is fishing the switch leg. But if it is a 1925 home like mine the price is a bit higher.
bikeindy said:
See I 'm thinking that this is rooms with an attic so the cans are cake, so is fishing the switch leg. But if it is a 1925 home like mine the price is a bit higher.
One bedroom was a cake walk as far as fishing went. The second bedroom had a funky roof line in the attic and my helper could not get over to the holes. The two LVs were downstairs with no attic but we were able to go up in the garage attic and drill over. It still was a PITA to fish down and over. (obstacles in walls).
get yourself some fish stix, they make life easy. So I figure about $450.00 for your materials If you had charged $2000.00 you got about $100 an hour for your time including pick up of materials minus your overhead. That wouldn't be too bad, but like I said it would have taken us about 6-7 hours to do that job and 1 hour for me to get materials If I didn't have them in the shop.
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I charge a flat rate of $125/can for 6" remodels with standard baffles and 65w lamps plus pulling into switch locations, so 6" cans alone were well over a thousand. I talked with the GC today and he was surprised at the cost of the two 4" LV remods with the elbow trims and MR16 lamps. I showed him how much they cost me plus markup and run to get them. He seems to understand now.
tmbrk said:
I charge a flat rate of $125/can for 6" remodels with standard baffles and 65w lamps plus pulling into switch locations, so 6" cans alone were well over a thousand.

My math puts your 8 cans $125 each at $1000.00 not well over.
bikeindy said:
My math puts your 8 cans $125 each at $1000.00 not well over.

tmbrk said:
I charge a flat rate of $125/can for 6" remodels with standard baffles and 65w lamps plus pulling into switch locations

$125 per can is for cans and wiring between them. To pull new switch legs to switch locations is extra. These were bedrooms without any ceiling fixtures. We fished down to switch box, removed switch leg for switched outlets and installed dimmer.

Sorry for not being clear about it.
A good guesstimate would be on the high side of $2,500ish or so...You never know what your going to run into,ya know.I myself would just cost plus a job like that, to be safe
It seems to me that I'm seeing more and more of these comparison pricing things.
Have ya'll lost your edge ? Do you not know what the winning price was or could be?
Granted, I might ask something like that some day... ! It just causes me to wonder as to what is going on here.
If you've been a avid reader you'd already know that one price does not fit all here, how do you expect to qualify a price based on all this. If your competitor is here wouldn't they know your number already? There's always more guests then registered users...
Maybe its just a post rant on my part... I'll sit back down and enjoy the Game thats in a park ...
bikeindy said:
get yourself some fish stix, they make life easy. So I figure about $450.00 for your materials If you had charged $2000.00 you got about $100 an hour for your time including pick up of materials minus your overhead. That wouldn't be too bad, but like I said it would have taken us about 6-7 hours to do that job and 1 hour for me to get materials If I didn't have them in the shop.

$2000 - $450 =$1550 / 24 hrs (3 men for 8 hrs) = $64.58/hr....not about $100....
cadpoint said:
It seems to me that I'm seeing more and more of these comparison pricing things.
Have ya'll lost your edge ? Do you not know what the winning price was or could be?
Granted, I might ask something like that some day... ! It just causes me to wonder as to what is going on here.
If you've been a avid reader you'd already know that one price does not fit all here, how do you expect to qualify a price based on all this. If your competitor is here wouldn't they know your number already? There's always more guests then registered users...
Maybe its just a post rant on my part... I'll sit back down and enjoy the Game thats in a park ...

cad, you actually make sense here...franchises and affinity groups catch a lot of slack here....but one think about all of them, they usually (I said usually Aline:D) learn all their expenses/costs and charge accordingly...they usually learn how to price profitably...this industry is on a race to the bottom, with the leaders screaming the whole way "we're making good money doing it this way"....but they rarely know if they are or not...
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tmbrk said:
The GC was like "Wow!" when I handed him the extras sheet.

Why wouldn't the GC go "Wow"? If he gets you to reduce your price by $500 then he's has just made another $500.

He going to take your original numbers and add 20% and then bill the homeowner. Anything that he can talk you out of goes in his pocket.
growler said:
Why wouldn't the GC go "Wow"? If he gets you to reduce your price by $500 then he's has just made another $500.

He going to take your original numbers and add 20% and then bill the homeowner. Anything that he can talk you out of goes in his pocket.

Most GCs are pretty sharp negotiators. One method of negotiating is to act shocked at an invoice. That "WOW!" pays big dividends for negotiators. Let them WOW! at a Change Order instead of an Invoice. It's not so effective in getting free work.

I would charge in the ballpark of $2000.00 We do alot of this type work and are very good at it so there would be 3 of us there and have it completed in about 6-7 hours

If your materials cost 450, the remaining 1550 is for 21 hours labor??

Too cheap. You have to at LEAST mark up your materials. You have to cover the warranty....right? What about overhead?? Gas is 4 dollars. A set of truck tires cost me $1800. It is 110 degrees here and I have to keep my office under 80.

I say $3500
Sparky555 said:
Most GCs are pretty sharp negotiators. One method of negotiating is to act shocked at an invoice. That "WOW!" pays big dividends for negotiators. Let them WOW! at a Change Order instead of an Invoice. It's not so effective in getting free work.


GC's in my area mark-up our pricing 50% to 100% they are in busines to make money, and if they get you to drop, they have a longer fishing trip.

Years back my neighbor contractor builder, invited me to a builders dinner meeting on bidding state contracts, the GC's at the table din't know i was an EC, and they were discussing how hard it is to deal with some subs, when some of the GC's said, they only guys you can play with are the electricians, they cave easy, I always kept that in back of my mind when dealing with GC's.
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