Bank and Office 1kva

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Long Island NY
Hi all,

Is the 1kva for unknown bank and office receptacles still applicable in the 2017 NEC? I can't find the reference anywhere

I'm working through Mikes' illustrated guide to electrical exam preparation based on the 2014 NEC. In my area we are on the 2017 NEC as a result I am using my 2017 code book with Mike's 2014 exam prep. On page 349 there is a question about sizing the demand load for a hotel and and office the answer key says to us 1kva per sq foot for the office receptacles. My only problem is I don't know where it says that in the code? I've looked online and it says 220.3(a) footnote but in the code book there is no such section.
sure, but that's per strap. The questions don't give you a receptacle count only sq foot. Is 1kva per sq foot still applicable after the 2014 NEC?
I'm not sure I follow...

"1 volt-ampere/ft2" doesn't mention "per strap" at all.

The language is the same in the 2014 and 2017 Codes.
Table 220.12 indicate loads related to lighting calculation at 3.5Va/ft2. No indication from that related per strap. Now 220.14(I),(K) indicate two means for calculation of receptacle loads on banks and office bldgs., and use the larger of the 2 methods, one of which is 1Va/ft2. The other is found in 220.14(I) for 180Va per strap. From that method you determine the number of receptacles desired and add them up.
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