Banning Incandescents in CA

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WOW! lucky I live in the Philippines.

We use those cheapo China CFLs (3 pcs for $2) that last around six months each. LOL

And i do believe those 'ornery bulbs' are best suited in rooms where it gets turned on/off for about 100 times a day (bathroom, etc)
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OMG, I am in CA and now I am completely embarrassed.

"Saves carbon..." Yep, at the expense of increasing phosphor and mercury.
Brilliant. (no pun intended)
If they outlaw incandescents, then only outlaws will have incandescents.

Forget drug dealing, I'm going to be a light bulb smuggler.

What a piece of work. Another politician living in La-La Land.
How is this any different than mandating toilets that don't flush very well?

Or requiring a certain amount of insulation in your house?

Or any number of other choices that should be made by individuals on their own, rather than at the point of a gun?
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