Bare Grounding Conductor

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250.118 Types of Equipment Grounding Conductors.
The equipment grounding conductor run with or enclosing the circuit conductors shall be one or more or a combination of the following:
FPN: For effective ground-fault current path, see 250.2 Definition.
(1) A copper, aluminum, or copper-clad aluminum conductor. This conductor shall be solid or stranded; insulated, covered, or bare; and in the form of a wire or a busbar of any shape.
The metal conduit itself is an EGC. However, I do not see the need for an additional EGC unless you have an isolated ground and the ground wire would then have to be insulated.
In case the OP is referring to grounding electrode conductors and not equipment grounding conductors, the provisions of Section 250.62 & 250.64 would apply. Pay special attention to 250.64(E)...
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