Barge Connection, 12KV

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Senior Member
Need to design connection for a 2000KV transformer on a mining barge. Will have a converyor to shore that they will build a cable tray on. Plan is to use 15KV armor power cable. Any thoughts?
Re: Barge Connection, 12KV

I have done high voltage splicing and terminating on vacuum mining barges in Coos Bay, Oregon.

I worked on the "Super Sucker". 1000 hp vacuum cleaner.

Look at;
Re: Barge Connection, 12KV

Bennie, impressive. One of out new elecricians saw how a "vactor" truck can excavate a hole to set a sono-tube form, he was impressed. Good for locations with a lot of underground utilities, can excavate an 8" hole in a few minutes.
Re: Barge Connection, 12KV

This barge was once used for ocean mining but was sucking up the silt in Coos Bay. Other barges were along side to haul the silt away. The cable was connected to shore substations. There was some floats on the cable, it was about five miles long.

The Okonite company field representives helped on the material, and procedure for splicing and terminating. The sea air made for real problems with this high voltage.

The 1000 HP motor started across the line. The voltage drop served as a reduced voltage starter.
Re: Barge Connection, 12KV

What is the size of transformer? Is it 2000 KVA? Are they oil filled? What is the total load?

I had to make all splices and stress cones the old way. This was before the kits were available. I sometimes took all day for one stress cone. Now they take 15 minutes.

I also worked for Global Marine on an underwater exploration and mining ship. This ship had on board generators for all the drive motors.
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