Basement Lts

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Senior Member
New Jersey
I went on an estimate yesterday for a house resale. In the basement the inspector flagged them for having cut up ext cords on their flourescant lights. Meaning the homeowner cut the plug ends off the lights and ext cords and wire nutted them together.An obvious fix but after reading these forums for a while I'm starting to think about manuf. specs. Would it be safe to run Rx to each light and splice them to the lights in junction boxes... or if they came with cord ends from the manuf. should I install cord and plug setups? I would hate to think that maybe all my judgement calls on repairs are in violation of original specs. Waddya think?
Typically these lights come with the cord in the box or packaging (along with some cheap wire nuts and a grommet) and are not connected to the fixture, it is just an option that can be used if desired for a receptacle type of connection. There is nothing wrong with connecting these fixtures using a permanent wiring method i.e. NM to the fixture.

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