?Basic Duties of GC, Sub & Foreman, What is?

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?Basic Duties of GC, Sub & Foreman, What is?


So what are the basic duties of GC's, Subcontractors and Foremen?

I will take a semi-educated shot at this. I see it would depend on the jobi.e. size, location, type, sub's/owner


*Coordination of Trades--how, why, schedules

*Help information Flow, both directions--RFI's, communicate to all trades about what may affect them, keep people in the "loop".

*(I seem to only think of many ways not to do...drawing a blank. I'll ask my current GC Rep for his ideas).

*Any lawyering skills handy? Maybe getting paid by owner?

*Aid in trades getting along, peace officer


*Provide tools/material needed to get job done per contract, safely & timely manner.

*Provide support to foreman, such as info, MANpower,

*Keep good documentation.

*Occassionally visit jobsite and check in on FM & crew

*Become a construction site lawyer, like jailhouse lawyer.

*Drawing blank...I'll ask my subcontractor.


*Here's your rock & stick....now get 'er done.
Just kidding but some do. Sub to FM, FM to worker bee/slacker

*Provide needed tools/material to workers in timely manner.

*Look at prints all the time then spend rest of day writing he said, she said?

*Have answers for questions by crew, other trades or GC; or find them.

*Do job in timely manner.


Bet alot of duties are actually the same just done in different ways or levels. Mybe alot of generic basic good working skills.

One Question: Who customarily writes RFI's for subs? FM or subcontractor?
I work in a little different world than you do. In my world often the foreman of an electrical crew is mainly doing actual electrical work. Paper work is not a big deal when the whole crew is two or three guys, including the foreman.

IMO, the foreman is primarily the interface point between the EC and the crew. Whatever the crew needs to get so their job can be done efficiently, he is the guy that needs to get it. You need to have a single point of contact so one person is handling things and not five.
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