bath room circuit

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can the bathroom circuit feed other bath rooms? i know its a requierd 20a ckt but not sure if i can use same circuit for 2 bathrooms.
can the bathroom circuit feed other bath rooms? i know its a requierd 20a ckt but not sure if i can use same circuit for 2 bathrooms.

It depends, if you are feeding the receptacle only in one bath then you can feed the other bath with the same circuit. However, if you feed the entire bathroom with the 20 amp circuit then you cannot continue on to the other bathroom
Yes, as long as it only feeds receptacle outlets in other bathrooms. The 20 amp circuit can feed receptacle, lighting and other loads within the same bathroom, but cannot continue on to another bathroom.
It depends, if you are feeding the receptacle only in one bath then you can feed the other bath with the same circuit. However, if you feed the entire bathroom with the 20 amp circuit then you cannot continue on to the other bathroom

I would say if you supply anything else in one bathroom (not everything else, anything else), then the circuit must stay within that room.

Any one thing besides receptacles. Exhaust fan, light fixture, towel heater etc.
You can feed a bath with one 20A circuit for lights and recpts and not anything else, or you can feed multiple bathroom recpts with one 20A circuit.

OK. what about a refridge, microwave, dishwasher, or anything in kitchen requiring GFCI in the kitchen would require a AFCI and GFCI protection at same time. BTW would the refridge outlet because of gfci and its own circuit need to be accessible? and not behind fridge. if sink is with in 6' Thanks
OK. what about a refridge, microwave, dishwasher, or anything in kitchen requiring GFCI in the kitchen would require a AFCI and GFCI protection at same time. BTW would the refridge outlet because of gfci and its own circuit need to be accessible? and not behind fridge. if sink is with in 6' Thanks

Whoa. Where are we? I thought we were in the bathroom.

Have a look at 210.11.
I am pretty sure I could come up with the code about the location of the doors, but I am also pretty sure you are talking about the appliances.

However, in order to stay with the OP subject, we probably can be assured there won't be any cooking facilities unless told otherwise.

I know there's some codes about bathrooms opening into a kitchen, but I doubt there's any codes prohibiting dishwashers and fridges in the terlet.
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