bathroom fans

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New member
I am trying to find out if their is a change in what kind of duct you use to vent your bath fan
my local inspecter is turning down the standard duct and has said you have to use duct that has UL listing every 4 foot. I called Sam Kim at UL and he said that their has not been any change.


Senior Member
Re: bathroom fans

There is a requirement that all ducting systems be listed by the UL 181 standard. Your inspector is probably citing this. I myself don't require it on exhaust fans because it is an enrgy conservation issue. Your inspector has every right in the world to enforce it, however. Also, if you have to use any tape, use the foil type or other UL181 listed tapes, not just regular old cloth-backed duct tape.

Hope this helps,


Senior Member
Re: bathroom fans

UL 181 deals with the flame spread and resistance to fire of the duct, not the insulation. In the International residential Code, section N 1103.3, only ducts supplying conditioned air are required to have insulation. Exhaust ducts are not required to have insulation. Make up air may have to be provided in houses of tight construction.
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