It's actually called a "phantom" load. Energy being consumed that you can't see being consumed.
I haven't SEEN energy being consumed either
Where I used to live, the area was teeming with diverse culture--comprised of interesting new families moving-in from Eastern Europe.
My eldest (son) even learned a few words in Cyrillic. Russian spoken by people not living in Russia. Sometimes called Slavic. . .but they speak perfect English except some terminologies vary.
One next door neighbor from East Germany (he was proud of his ancestry,)
I used to offer him Michelob and shoot the breeze in my backyard. Nice guy.
One day he knocked on my door asking for a favor.
He was asking if I can boost his ACCUMULATOR.
I was flustered--having no idea at first-- what he wanted. Finally I figured he needs a "jump start".
In his part of Europe where he came from, they call car battery : "accumulator".
Batteries (dry cell) are flashlight stuff for them.
Capacitors are called condensers. I hear A/C guys use condensers all the time.
Although some auto mechanics (guessing) use these terms interchangeably.
The phrase VAMPIRE load. . .common phrase as electronic jargon by electronic "geeks" and engineers.
I won't be surprised to hear native Romanians use the word vampire-- the blood sucker.
They have vampires over there you know.
Well, at least that's what author Mary Shelley told us in her Dracula chronicles