Re: Become Electrical Contractor
I,ve been gone for 3 years now, as I remember though..................................
As far as you're insurance agent, I found it best to have someone who can get a BOND out quickly and easily. Most communities will want their own individual performance bond posted. Many of the larger cities (Schaumberg, Cook County) will require you to have their business license to contract in their area.
Forget Chicago, and Elgin, unless you take their test and buy their business license also. (They will not accept another AHJ's test)
And at each community you MUST! contact the inspector and find out his list of NEC addendums, you will be amazed at the variety.
Example: (last I heard) Long grove allowed no greenfield, on commercial/Industrial Elgin want's a ground pulled, Lake In the Hills want's to see Green Exit lights in a retail store, and demands #12 wire to finish off that basement, Woodstock will allow some uses of AC. I have an inspector friend in Schaumburg who told me that for the longest time they demanded that the dishwasher disconnect be a switch ABOVE THE COUNTERTOP! And the list goes on. I'm so glad to be gone from that mess.