Bender recommendation

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Senior Member
Right here.
Is anyone aware on one, single bender that will bend 1-1/4 through 4" EMT? I can bend up to inch by hand. Even thought they make hand benders for 1-1/4", I don't have enough rear-end to hand bend that stuff. I have a few other electric or hydraulic benders that each do a small range of pipe, but no "one size fits all" bender. Is there such an animal? I've leafed through GB and Greenlee catalogs, but there doesn't appear to be. Maybe I'm missing something.
Re: Bender recommendation

I have a Gardner 1 1/4 EMT bender,without the 2-step power pedal.It takes some real finenness to bend a 90 degree bend.

I haven't seen or heard of, a -one- conduit/ tubeing bender that you seek though..
Re: Bender recommendation

I can't say I've ever used one, but according to Greenlees reference chart, the 777, 884 or 885 will do what you want, but only for rigid conduit. For EMT it looks like it's still the Nickle bender for 1 1/4" - 2" and the 881 for 2 1/2" - 4"

[ August 14, 2005, 11:47 AM: Message edited by: cselectric ]
Re: Bender recommendation

mdshunk, even if they make a bender that will handle every size shoe, would you really want it? A bender that would take a 4" shoe is going to be kind of bulky and you could only let one person at a time bend pipe. Since the large pipe is much slower to bend I would think that it would make things go faster to have different benders. We always had too many people wanting to use the bender anyway. Just a thought.
Re: Bender recommendation

Most bender set-ups have 2 flavors:
1" - 2"
2 1/2" to 4"

Just like most material costs, once you go over 2" you are in a different zip code.
Re: Bender recommendation

Originally posted by growler:
mdshunk, even if they make a bender that will handle every size shoe, would you really want it?
I can see it now...3/4" EMT in an a-frame bender (or the tuning forks) that is capable of 4" RGS...LOL. ...and then the tugger anchors come out :D
Re: Bender recommendation

We have quite a few Greenlee 8482 Smart Benders which without changing any parts handle 1/2" EMT to 2" RMC.

It's a $6,000, 500 Lb machine, a little overkill for 1/2" EMT :p
Re: Bender recommendation

Originally posted by growler:
mdshunk, even if they make a bender that will handle every size shoe, would you really want it?
Not most of the time. I just really wished they made one machine that would bend the sizes that you can't hand bend. Mainly 1-1/4 thru 4".

The main motivation is because I'm planning the bin layout and such for a new truck that will do short term jobs and service work. I thought that if such a bender existed, it would be nice to plan a spot for it on the new truck. Granted, on a longer term job, you'll still need several sizes and styles of bender.
Re: Bender recommendation

Originally posted by hbiss:
LOL! Bins? a 4" bender will require it's own truck!
Okay... more like "areas". I normally use around 14' box walk in type trucks, patterned after the famed George Brazil "Super Truck".
Re: Bender recommendation

Hand benders up to 1-1/4" EMT and 1" RGS.
Greenlee 882 for 1-1/4" to 2" EMT and RGS.
Greenlee 881 for 2-1/2" to 4" EMT and RGS.

This works for me, since 90% of our work is 2" and under.

I don't have the 881 but I will someday. For now we use factory fittings over 2", but bend everything 2" and under.
Re: Bender recommendation

Originally posted by tkb:
we use factory fittings over 2", but bend everything 2" and under.
This is how we do it for the most part, anymore. As a matter of fact, we mostly use fittings for anything above 1".

I have seen specs before that wanted no visible fittings or all bends to be made using a bender, or something to that effect.
Re: Bender recommendation

How about a 11/2emt hand bender? I used one 3 years ago and it was like bending 11/4, emt. I have the size and long handle, it helps.
Look for a flip top they are good for up to 2" emt, get the follower with it too if used.
Re: Bender recommendation

I know they make some cheaper ones, but the Greenlee 555 speed bender is so easy to use, for me it was well worth the cost. (twice - one of the two I bought got ripped off the job). Emt , IMC, and Rigid up to 2". Got a dirt cheap used 777 from a contractor bankruptcy quick sale but never got to use it yet since I just do small one man stuff anymore.
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